Margaret has over 25 years experience practising as a Podiatrist. As an employee of the Western Health Trust in Northern Ireland she has gained invaluable experience as she has worked at every Professional level within the organisation. Margaret has also experience working for the Health Service Executive in Southern Ireland and in private practice in Galway and Wexford. As well as much clinical experience Margaret has been employed in a Podiatry advisory and management capacity to Western Health and Social Services Board for many years. Margaret has chaired the Northern Ireland Podiatry Managers' Forum and she has also represented the Podiatry profession on regional Northern Ireland committees.
Margaret has undertaken continual professional development throughout her career and maintains high standards of practice keeping abreast of professional issues and relevant technology and education.
Margaret anticipates an increasing demand for private services and therefore she is now promoting her private practice and is keen to develop it further.
Margaret invites you to access her private Foot Health Clinic where she will cater for all your foot care needs.